Saturday, August 18, 2012

We finally went on the AWESOME Peter Pan ride!

It was so cool & it felt like we were flying! I loved it!!! Thank you Mrs. Petillo!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you went to Peter Pan's Flight. I know it is a tame ride compared to SPACE MOUNTAIN but it provides a relaxing MOMENT for parents. I especially LOVE PETER PAN because I have caught the PETER PAN SYNDROME and so have my SONS which means like Peter, "I NEVER WANT TO GROW UP" but always cherish the innocence of a child!! There is nothing so PRECIOUS as seeing the WORLD through the eyes of a CHILD. It's really simple. Have you heard the saying "stop and smell the roses"? That pretty much sums it all up right there, as adults get caught up in a busy lifestyle always worrying about something and rushing on to the next task. It really is never ending.
    But the world that we live in truly is magical, and God has made it miraculous since that's what He specializes in. So the key is to stop and smell the roses, the trees, the animals, and wonders around you! Slow down, when you go on a walk, look at birds and the miracle of living things, etc. I am a lot like a child in that I treasure all God's creations.
    So many things truly are amazing that we've taken for granted that is why I love NEVER, NEVER LAND.
